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‘Summer of Movement’ – Why we chose our Summer Sale books

Last month we held an exclusive summer sale on a range of movement books to encourage our readers to embrace the warmer weather and get moving! We are extending this offer until the end of August so you can get a 20% discount by entering code: SUMMEROFMOVEMENT at the checkout.

We have explained why we selected these books and how they can help you to achieve a fulfilling Summer of Movement.

‘Get Your Oomph Back’ by Carolyn Garritt

To kick off our Summer of Movement, we’re starting with ‘Get Your Oomph Back’ by cancer exercise specialist Carolyn Garritt which offers practical information and guidance on safe, effective and appropriate exercises for anybody who has received a diagnosis of cancer and/or is undergoing treatment. Exercise has been shown to improve the chances of recovery and survival, and to significantly lower the risks of remission. Carolyn, who has had her own experience of a cancer diagnosis as well as many years of supporting cancer patients to be active, shows how to get moving again no matter your level of fitness.

‘The Perrin Technique’ by Dr Raymon Perrin

Up next in our ‘Summer of Movement’ sale, we have ‘The Perrin Technique’ by Dr Raymond Perrin. This explains how problems with lymphatic drainage can be a root cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME and Fibromyalgia and how to get the lymphatic system moving again with simple, very gentle movements and careful pacing. Including scientific evidence and illustrative case studies, this comprehensive guide gives you the opportunity to take charge of your health, highlighting the importance of the relationship between the nervous and lymphatic systems.

‘COPD: Innovative Breathing Techniques’ by Paul Brice

‘COPD: Innovative Breathing Techniques’ by Paul Brice is an innovative approach to helping patients with COPD overcome breathlessness and improve their daily life through The Brice Method. Through simple, easy-to-do exercises, The Brice Method teaches COPD/breathlessness sufferers develop a new and relaxed breathing pattern. Backed by over 9 years of research and experience, the exercises allow people to re-learn how to breathe naturally without having to work hard.

‘Yoga for Cancer: The A-Z of C’ by Vicky Fox

Our newest release out of our Summer of Movement selection is ‘Yoga for Cancer: The A-Z of C’ by Vicky Fox which shows readers how to mitigate the side effects of a cancer diagnosis and treatment through the practice of yoga. Through breathing exercises, physical postures, hand gestures and meditation, ‘Yoga for Cancer’ holds valuable learnings on how to alleviate symptoms and improve your overall wellbeing. Covering symptoms from Anxiety to Zzzz (sleep problems), readers can access a wide variety of information and support without having to read it from cover to cover.

‘One Step Ahead of Osteoarthritis’ by Frances Ive

A holistic and practical guide, ‘One Step Ahead of Osteoarthritis’ by Frances Ives is the perfect tool to help those with osteoarthritis live well by embracing exercise, diet, weight loss, complementary therapies and more. Based on years of research as well as personal experience, Frances Ives brings together a wide range of approaches to living a healthy, active and pain-free lifestyle that are of proven benefit to many – pick and mix what works for you to keep moving as much as you can.

‘The Scoliosis Handbook of Safe and Effective Exercises Pre and Post Surgery’ by Caroline Freedman

It is really important to keep moving if you have scoliosis as a strong back can make all the difference to your condition. In ‘The Scoliosis Handbook’, specialist trainer Caroline Freedman explains the Dos and Don’ts with clear illustrations as well as provides safe and practical guidance. If you have had spinal fixation surgery for scoliosis or any other condition.

‘The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit’ by Sarah Russell

Last but certainly not least in our Summer of Movement selection is ‘The Bowel Cancer Recovery Toolkit’ by specialist trainer Sarah Russell which builds on findings that exercise is one of the best ways to support recovery from cancer. But how do you do that if you have had abdominal surgery and maybe have a stoma with a risk of hernia? Sarah shows how to do this safely and effectively in this step-by-step, illustrated guide so that you can rebuild confidence and self-esteem when most needed.

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