It’s a time of massive upheaval in the world so it’s not surprising many of us are feeling more anxious, more depressed, more unsure, especially as the usual voices of reason or guidance (mentors, political figures and so on) stumble over each other or slip away, no longer leading us to a conclusion of safety while we are left to regain our own equilibrium.
Mood changes during these chaotic times are completely natural; our hormones are speaking to us and we can answer back. Not with pills – we have seen where that can lead. But what can we do when clouds of nervousness flood our senses and our focus dims, as well as our sense of joy and play, so necessary for a happy life?
Mental-emotional wellbeing starts with taking the time to be informed on how to nourish cells and tissues while maximizing elimination processes to generate balance. It’s not easy when thoughts and feelings are crowding in on each other, our breath stifled.
Yet there are so many choices without reaching for pharmaceuticals. To regain balance, to feel empowered, we need to take control of our bodies, to soften our neurotransmitters and hormones, the chemical messengers that can offer us a natural and harmonious way through. We learn to regulate them naturally, first by probing where we are in space and time, reflecting on what we are feeling, what we are thinking, our present and possibly past story, engaging positively with the people around us. This alone can generate oxytocin, that bonding hormone that isn’t just for babies and mothers but for partners and friends in general. Taking time to pause often alleviates symptoms of distress or depression on its own, especially if we walk in nature, and, if not, naturopathic medicine has a lot to offer.
“Let food be thy medicine” is an old naturopathic adage coined long ago by Hippocrates. By staying away from sugar and junk food and turning instead to fermented food (sauerkraut, tempeh, kefir, kimchi, etc.) so that our gut is bursting with good bacteria that communicate with the brain, we can take what truly is a first step to feeling better emotionally. Knowing that eating enough protein can maintain even blood glucose levels or that beets contain a significant amount of nitric oxide (NO) that increases blood flow to the brain or that berries have a lot of antioxidants or the benefit of omega-3s on mood can push us on our way to renewal.
And then there are plants – the earth is filled with so many that can help us whether they are soothing to the point of sedatives, or can fill our adrenals and thyroids with much needed minerals and vitamins. One of my favourites is Ashwagandha for its calming as well as its positive interplay with our adrenals and thyroid. Licorice is another favourite because of its affinity for the adrenals; its nature is to recharge our “batteries”. Chamomile, passionflower, nettles and so many more are within reach and safe, all with their unique healing patterns.
Homoeopathy is becoming more understood thanks to Nobel prize winner Luc Montagnier who says, “Homeopathy is the future of science and medicine”. (His French physicist friends have seen the nanoparticles, the energy from homoeopathy that heals.)
And what about hydrotherapy, especially a cold plunge? This causes a significant release of epinephrine (adrenaline) as well as norepinephrine that can make us feel more alert and ready to take on the day in an eye-opening, wonderful way. You can also learn about forest bathing and earthing.
Good sleep of course is an absolute must. Learning to shut off our brains at the end of a long day can seem almost impossible but a tepid bath with Epsom salts, baking powder and lavender essential oil can work magic, changing our mood, letting us fall into a deep sleep.
And still there is more: breathwork for more stillness and oxygen; massage for the lymph system for detox; and last but very much not least, the expressive arts – writing, art, music, acting, dance – also presented in detail in my new book, Transforming Trauma: A drugless and creative path to healing PTS and ACE.
So don’t despair, get learning how you can empower and claim your own healing through the most natural of substances.
Heather Herington, ND