Rethinking Pain
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The US is in the grip of an epidemic of addiction to opioids for pain management; the problem is now spreading to the UK, with a 29% increase in deaths linked to the synthetic opioid fentanyl in 2018. According to a BBC investigation, GPs prescribed 23.8 m opioids in 2017, the equivalent of 2700 packs an hour, and 2.3 million people took opioids actually prescribed for someone else. Yet while these drugs may help with acute pain they have little impact on long-term chronic pain other than dependency and the need for ever increasing doses. But there are many tried-and-tested alternatives for chronic pain that do not involve drugs, are non-addictive and even beneficial in other ways. Occupational physician and chronic pain sufferer, Dr Miranda, has developed this practical and empathetic guide to a revolutionary approach to living well with chronic pain, based on the fundamental principles that:
– all pain experienced is real
– wherever the trouble arises, pain is experienced in the brain
– all pain is unique to the individual sufferer
– chronic pain is rarely a warning of damage – inactivity does not help!
– the key to overcoming pain is not to strive to be pain-free but to minimise the experience of it
Dr Miranda shows how to live well despite chronic pain through a series of clearly explained tools and strategies supported by research findings and her own experience.
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A new understanding of pain; My own story; Tools for pain management: What you need to know – understanding your pain; How to improve sleep; How to develop a positive attitude; The importance of touch; The importance of enjoying life; Shared experience; Nourish yourself – nutrition for overcoming pain; How to move better; Pain and work; Pain and love; Pain and managing your weight; Yoga for overcoming pain; Acupuncture for overcoming pain; Overcoming pain without medication; Appendices: Things you can influence yourself – and how they affect pain; Suggestions for work arrangements that help a person suffering from pain cope at work better; For you whose spouse, friend, co-worker or subordinate suffers from chronic pain
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About the Author
Dr Helena Miranda is a physician and pain researcher at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health and is also a pain patient suffering from migraines and disabling chronic sciatica. With this unique perspective she has developed tools for living with pain first brought to public attention in Ota Kipu Hatuun, the Finnish original of Living Well Despite Pain, which has been a runaway success in her native Finland and is being translated into more than 10 languages.
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