Five-A-Day Plus One: The Vitamin B12 Cookbook

Martyn Hooper

From: £9.99

Adequate vitamin B12 is essential for physical and mental health yet the NHS estimated in 2018 that one in 10 people over 75 and one in 20 people aged 65 to 74 were deficient. A deficiency may be due to pernicious anaemia (an autoimmune problem), in which case the only recourse is to inject B12 regularly, but it is much more likely to be due to medications (both metformin and omeprazole disrupt B12 metabolism), gastritis (from a poor diet, alcohol etc) or a poorly planned vegan diet, in which case eating more B12 can and will make a difference. Five-a-Day Plus One is a collection of B12-rich, family-friendly recipes that will go a good way to addressing the B12 gap deliciously and affordably, protecting you and your loved ones from anaemia, chronic infection, chronic fatigue, peripheral neuropathy, confusion and even dementia – and much more.

(Many of the recipes are relatively traditional, highlighting that our diets have become much poorer in vitamin B12 in recent decades. On-trend contemporary diets are not necessarily the best!)

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Why we need to eat more vitamin B12; Introducing vitamin B12; How much vitamin B12 23 need at different stages of life; Factors that disrupt our access to vitamin B12; The recipes: Breakfasts; Lunches; Packed lunches; Dinners; Snacks. (100+ recipes from simple to gourmet)

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About the Author

Martyn Hooper MBE founded the Pernicious Anaemia Society to provide a forum for sufferers from that condition, having battled with the effects of vitamin B12 deficiency for many years without a diagnosis. He found he had tapped into a massive hidden problem and has been campaigning for better diagnosis, treatment and recognition of pernicious anaemia and vitamin B12 deficiency ever since. As Chair of the Society he provides the latest research to members, presents the B12 problem at conferences, medical workshops, disability hearings and employment tribunals and is an activist for change to NHS committees and forums. He was awarded the MBE in 2017 for his services to health and healthcare.

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