What are Bach flower remedies? Bach flower remedies for body and soul; Getting to know the wonderful Bach flower essences: agrimony, aspen, beech, centaury, cerato, cherry plum, chestnut bud, chicory, clematis, crab apple, elm, gentian, gorse, heather, holly, honeysuckle, hornbeam, impatiens, larch, mimulus, mustard, oak, olive, pine, red chestnut, rock rose, rock water, scleranthus, star of Bethlehem, sweet chestnut, vervain, vine, walnut, water violet, white chestnut, wild oat, wild rose, willow; Treating children with Bach flower remedies; Treating children in temporary or emergency situations; How to choose the appropriate essence; Creating therapeutic formulas; Preparing a personal bottle of Bach flower remedy; Preparing a Bach flower remedy spray; Preparing a Bach flower remedy cream; Long-term treatment with the help of Bach flower remedies; The end… and a new beginning; Index