Whole Body Solution

Max Tuck

From: £7.99

Are you confused by the conflicting information that abounds on how to achieve optimal health? How can you ensure that all aspects of your physiology are cared for? Is there truly one solution that has only benefits, not downsides, and in turn reduces the risk of succumbing to the diseases which are so prevalent in modern society?

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Are you confused by the conflicting information that abounds on how to achieve optimal health? How can you ensure that all aspects of your physiology are cared for? Is there truly one solution that has only benefits, not downsides, and in turn reduces the risk of succumbing to the diseases which are so prevalent in modern society? Max Tuck believes that there is. In this compelling book, she elaborates not only on how to eat to support each of your nine body systems (digestive, intestinal, cardiovascular, nervous, immune, respiratory, urinary, hormonal and structural), but how all of these systems interrelate to synergistically create the level of health that everyone seeks, but which might hitherto have been elusive. Bringing together a scientific approach to nutrition and exercise with a deep interest in the mind-body connection, Max explains how, by taking care of each body system, everyone can reach their ideal weight, attain vibrant health and make concerns about degenerative disease a thing of the past, regardless of genetic predisposition.

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About the author

Max Tuck, the ‘Raw Food Scientist’ trained in veterinary medicine and comes to all health issues, both human and animal, with a rigorously scientific approach. Now a Hippocrates Institute-trained health educator as well as a practising vet, Max was originally prompted to investigate the importance of nutrition to health by her own collapse with chronic fatigue and Epstein Barr virus more than 20 years ago. Since her ‘miraculous’ recovery she has run marathons, competed in triathlons and gained her black belt in karate, in addition to managing her punishing dual-role work schedule. Visit her at www.therawfoodscientist.com.

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