Air-purifying Houseplants
From: £2.99
‘Let food be your medicine…’
The Nature Cures Pocketbooks expand on popular topics in the encyclopaedic, 1300-page Nature Cures: The A to Z of Ailments and Natural Foods, including specific foods and food groups, health problems, ailments and symptoms. (The series complements and is supported by the author’s internationally popular website, which has already received over 2,500,000 hits.)
In the late ’80s, NASA studied houseplants as a way to purify the air in space facilities. They found a range of plants that filter out common volatile organic compounds. In the same way, these plants can help clean the indoor air here on Earth, which is typically far more polluted than outdoor air – and not only can they remove airborne contaminants but some are also nutritious herbs for both medicinal and cooking use. Many also contain volatile oils which can be used to clean both the home and the body without the toxins of conventional products.
In Air-purifying Houseplants find out how you can even prevent ‘sick building syndrome’, and how to work with indoor plants to reduce the risk of contracting colds and other viruses, decrease blood pressure, lift the mood, reduce mental fatigue and improve sleep.
Author Nat Hawes
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Aloe vera, Spider plant, Gerbera, Snake plant, Golden pothos, Chrysanthemum, Red-edged dracaena, Warneck dracaena, Weeping fig, Azalea, Ivy, Chinese evergreen, Bamboo palm, Heart leaf philodendron, Peace lily, Areca palm, Rubber plant… and more.
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About the Author
Nat Hawes runs a successful Nutritional Therapy Clinic in London, England, where she deals with patients suffering from Injury, surgery and infections, as well as from allergies, chronic fatigue, diabetes, digestive disorders, infertility, insomnia, obesity, pain and inflammation, mental health issues. She has spent 15 years researching and compiling her internationally popular website which brings together both the health problems that can be helped by nutritional interventions, and the healing properties of natural foods.
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